Types Of Protectors
Protectors ?
- Al-Farouk Simex Protectors are C.E.P.(Closed End Protectors) since does not allow dirty moisture or foreign materials to enter the Thread , seal or shoulder And inside the pipe body which prevent any cleaning jobs inside the pipes such as rattling ,so that save the money of our customers
- Al-Farouk Simex Distinctive design ensures complete protection along length of connection , complete adhesion to the thread and the presence strong bumpers to protect from any impact
- Al-Farouk Simex execute many tests to ensure the product to the customer and according to the specification
- Al-Farouk Simex has a good team of engineers to design and flow the molds to be products
- Al-Farouk Simex has good machines and tools to manufacture all the molds
- Al-Farouk Simex has the best quality team.
- Al-Farouk Simex delivers the supply orders on the dates agreed upon with the customer
- Al-Farouk Simex Working to keep the packaging on good condition

A. Plastic Tool Joint Protectors (ALF-TJP-6000)
ALF- TJP- 6000 ( AL-Farouk simex tool joint protectors) with especial elastomer formulation 6050 designed to provide a super protection against impact and corrosion to thread and shoulders of tool joint pipes all sizes.

1.Drill Pipe (ALF-TJP-DP 6000)
Drill Pipes are using in a very wide range and amount in oil field and are moving to much through locations and also the trips in and out well . So it exposed to sustained beating from rough handling in lying down and picking up.

2.Drill Collar(ALF – TJP-DC-6500)
In which provide all characteristics of (ALF-TJP-DP- 6000) mentioned before but more thicker to be suitable for Drill Collars weight and size. The special formulation (ALF-TJP-DC 6500) and heavy bumpers provide more ability to disperse the energy of impact before damage occur

3.Related Subs And Fishing Tool (ALF-TJP-RSF-6700)
The same mixture of the precursor material and the same characteristics with different thickness and size of the fenders according to each type and size of Connection.

B. Tubing (ALF-Tub-7500)
- Especially designed for tubing in which has small diameter connections in which provide excellent performance characteristics.
- The ALF-Tub-7500 elastomer formulation had been examined to be found not reacted with gases, hydrocarbon or oil base mud in which is suspended with tubing after getting out well hole during work over operations.

C. Casing (ALF-Tub-8000)
ALF- TJP- 6000 ( AL-Farouk simex tool joint protectors) with especial elastomer formulation 6050 designed to provide a super protection against impact and corrosion to thread and shoulders of tool joint pipes all sizes.
II. Al Farouk Simex Pressed Steel Protectors
In spite of the many disadvantages of this type of protectors, but still many of metal protectors remain in use and many customers still order them. So, we still have production line to cover some customer’s orders where the following types are available :
Tool Joint Pressed Steel Protector (ALF-TJP-8500-St) :
- Drill Pipe (ALF-TJP-DP 8500)
- Drill Collar (ALF-TJP-DC 8600)

Why to choose us?
Our Advantages
We develop the product according to the international specifications represented by the American Petroleum Institute in accordance with the specification (API 5 CT), as well as we provide the tests imposed by the specification accompanied by the necessary certificates for that..
Why to choose us?
Our Advantages
We design for the product’s shape and manufacture the forms in the factory in the lathe and metalworking department of the product, which gives a shorter period in providing the product to the customer with the necessary maintenance work on time, which makes the form enter the field of service at any time
Why to choose us?
Our Advantages
We make the magic mixture of raw materials according to the aforementioned specification, which gives the product good flexibility with the necessary hardness to resist shocks and environmental factors as long as possible.
Why to choose us?
Our Advantages
We are now preparing to obtain certificates from the American Petroleum Institute to obtain Q1 certificates and qualifications for the specification

Al Farouk Simex Tubular Packing Frame
- In addition to its range of manufactured thread protectors, Al Farouk Simex will soon also design and manufacture a wide range of tubing/casing/tubing casing systems and lift frames for the storage and transportation of tubes and casings.
- The Al Farouk Simex Engineering Packaging System will consist of four frame assemblies, with each group made up of specific sections, the number dependent on tube size. When the system is tube loaded, each frame assembly is secured with bolts and lock nuts.
- The molded sections incorporate a steel keel to ensure maximum rigidity. The top and bottom also have optional reflective strips on each side to aid in safety.